An Ode to Summer

7:20:00 AM

The sun never seems to set, the days never seem to end. Every ticking second is long enough for a thought to wander off and get lost. The hustle and bustle are turned down to a buzzing backdrop while the gurgling and humming of nature fill the air. Summer has slowed everything down, and I have taken more time to perceive and appreciate this sultry season.

    Prepare food with no heat

    Heat in the kitchen is something I couldn’t get along with. Not just the sweltering temperature during cooking, but also gadgets like the stove, oven, boiling kettle, you name it. Summer becomes my best excuse as I treat myself with cooler meals. During its blazing noon, I like to pull my long hair up in a bun, squirm into a shady corner and enjoy big fresh bites of sandwiches and salads.

Embrace sweaty limbs
   No, I do not like sweat. But sweaty limbs are the price for the boundless movements in our light clothes. An errand to the market is enough for my skin to open up their pores, to breath in the moist air and soak the back of my shirt. Strangely, I’ve begun to adore this sticky experience. After a long exposure to the sun, I would lay motionless on the cool floor and feel drops of sweat slowly evaporates, leaving saltiness on my skin. 

The cool change   
    Where I live has a fixed but dramatic weather pattern. Streets are almost bare during the boiling daytime. After 2 p.m fluffy clouds begin to droop, a burst of wind out of nowhere starts twirling and flipping everything from tree bushes to women’s skirts. Soon enough, fat raindrops are gushing down window panes. The sudden summer rain withdraws the heat and lures children and dog walkers outdoors once more, bringing another lively scene into the night. 

Waking up early with sun lit on your face

    I’ve always wanted to be an early bird but succeeds in becoming one only in summertime. Waking up becomes so natural as the beams on my face slowly dry up deep dreams. It’s 5:30 in the morning, yet I’m already starting my day with the sky so bright and birds chirping. These hours are treasured, a generous gift given from summer. They are spent on activities such as reading, jotting on journals or enjoying a slow breakfast.

all images by me / watercolour & latté

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